Drug Rehab Pay Per Call Vs. Investing in Organic SEO
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Drug Rehab Pay Per Call Vs. Investing
In Organic SEO

Posted on Jan 24, 2017 by Jim Peake


We have a philosophy at Addiction-Rep and it is if you self-generate a lead using organic drug rehab SEO you are much more likely to get a conversion than you will if you use a Pay Per Call Service — probably 3 times more.  What we have found is only 5% of Drug Rehab Pay Per Calls will be “good calls.”  By “good calls” we mean callers that have PPO Insurance or are private pay admissions.

Drawbacks of Drug Rehab Pay Per Call Ads

The “problem” with Drug Rehab Pay Per Call Services is the calls are typically generated on ad networks, television and radio and are generic in nature.  By generic, we mean your website name and brand are not advertised.  The caller is calling a rehab and they don’t know where they are calling and it tends to be a “sales job” in getting the patient into the drug rehab for an admission.  The other “problem” is the Drug Rehab Pay Per Call Services typically are not geo-targeted.  This is problematic when a patient is seeking a rehab in Florida and they are actually calling a rehab in California.

The other challenge of “buying calls” is that once you have spent the money you will never see it again.  If you are investing in SEO you are investing in content.  Creating amazing drug rehab related content in an article or a white paper can become the gift that keeps on giving.  If you create a 1,500 word article and post it in 2016 it can still generate calls in 2017 and beyond.  Google will find the article and index it in their search engine.  At the end of the day you are building and investing in your website and your website is a business asset.

The Benefits of Pay Per Call Drug Rehab Ads

The big upside of using a Drug Rehab Pay Per Call Service is you can generate calls immediately that are drug rehab related.  This will help keep the call centers busy fielding and qualifying calls.  However, fielding too many calls that are unqualified can lead to call center burnout.

We have also found that 15% of Drug Rehab SEO generated calls tend to be good calls.  This is a much higher number than the 5% of calls that are “good calls in a Pay Per Call environment.  We know that the SEO website visitor tends to stay on the website for longer sessions than pay per call website visitors.  We also know that the SEO visitor generates longer phone calls as well.  Longer phone calls tend to be higher qualified.  Higher qualified calls tend to generate more admissions for the treatment center.

Build a Strategy for Drug Rehab Leads and Phone Calls

Drug Rehab CallsYour business strategy needs to be building trust with your prospects.  Building trust starts with creating information that the drug rehab prospects are seeking.  Publishing content on a consistent basis.  Publishing a lot of relevant and quality content builds trust. Website visitors stay on the site longer.  Google measures the length of stay of each visitor.  If Google knows your website visitor stays on the site for a long time and clicks through several pages they will want to push up your search results higher. Google does not like it when users search on Google and click on the link and then click on the back button. This means to Google that the content was not very useful to the website visitor.

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Jim Peake

Jim is an Internet Oldtimer, literally, and he was making a living online before Yahoo and Google were incorporated and even before Al Gore “invented” the Internet. Jim was the catalyst for putting the internet on the front page of every newspaper around the world in one day when he sold the website design and development to IBM for the Kasparov vs. IBM’s Deep Blue chess tournament in 1996. Jim has been in the direct response and advertising industry (printing) since the early 1980’s. Jim’s primary focus is the healthcare and addiction treatment field where he is a management consultant as well as an analytics and digital marketing consultant. - Learn more about Jim Peake, President

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