Drug Rehab Website Speed Matters
Want to see how fast your website is according to Google? Then you need to go check their Google Insights tool and put in your company website address. Now do this with your marketing company. If their website has lousy marks and your company has lousy marks it is time to change. Why? This is a simple thing that we all need to pay attention to. This is kinda like changing the oil in your car. Your website must perform according to Google because if it doesn’t your competitors will and you will lose business and you won’t even know it.
Why does Google matter? Because this is where people get their their information when they are researching their drug rehabs and addiction treatment centers. Google has a lot of signals that they pay attention to and if you ignore them, they will simply ignore you. If Google ignores you this means your bank account could be affected negatively.
If you have ever clicked on a link for a website on your mobile device and it was slow to load I bet you hit the back button more than once? Were you frustrated? I bet. Well Google is measuring how fast all of our websites are loading the pages in both desktop and mobile environments.
You may have heard all the buzz about 5G coming and the leader is Huawei coming out of China. Google is paying attention to speed and more speed. As Sargent Friday said on Dragnet, “Just the facts mam.” According to Google, Google surveyed people and 54% said that the load time effects how long they stay on the website.
An article by Think with Google indicates that they’ve seen a one-second delay in mobile load times impact conversion rates by up to 20% – that’s crazy! So think about this. If your website is generating 10 admissions per month and your mobile site is slow then you could be losing 2 admits per month. What is that costing you? If an admit is $30,000 (mos) that is $60,000 in lost revenue. If an admit is $10,000 that is $20,000 in lost revenue per month. If you multiply these numbers out by 12 months you are looking at $720,000 and $240,000 respectively PER YEAR!
Ask your accountant if setting aside a small budget every month to make sure your speed is up to snuff is worth the investment? Chances are good he will say yes let’s do it.
We are living in the age of instant gratification. We want everything with a click of a button. We want a pill to fix our ills. We want our sports teams to win championships. We want our education and degrees to appear magically. We want weight loss without having to work on it. So, while we are all worried about instant gratification, big tech is preparing 5G for our needs.
5G will be used in gaming and automotive industries but for this conversation we are talking about 5G and web browsing. If most of the rehab visits are and will continue to becoming from mobile then the company/rehab that prepared their websites and their content for the 5G explosion will win.