How Many Different Kinds Of Addiction Treatment Centers Are There?
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How Many Different Kinds Of Addiction Treatment Centers Are There?

Posted on Oct 7, 2021 by Jim Peake

How many different kinds of addiction treatment centers are there? First we will break them down by type; in-patient and out-patient.  Let’s begin with in-patient or ‘residential’.

Types of Residential Addiction Treatment Centers

  1. Hospitalization – Emergency situation – Usually when a patient has had an overdose they find themselves in a hospital.
  2. Inpatient Detox – Detox is typically the first stop in the rehabilitation process. The length of time spent in Detox is dependent on the type of substance.  Alcohol Detox can be very complex and almost always requires medical supervision.  Most detoxes require medical (M.D.) supervision.
  3. Inpatient Addiction Treatment – This is more akin to a hospitalization type of treatment and is distinct from residential addiction treatment.
  4. Residential Addiction Treatment – A patient signs up for a length of stay typically 28-30 days depending on what their insurance dictates. Many centers offer 60-90 day stays and some even longer but, many of the longer stay residential drug rehabs are paid out-of-pocket.
  5. PHP – Partial Hospitalization Program typically offers housing while the patients attend counseling and treatment in an IOP (Intensive OutPatient) type of setting. The PHP housing is offered by the addiction treatment center for patients who are utilizing their services.  Housing costs can be covered by the following:
    1. A patient who is paying in cash.
    2. The treatment center can cover the housing cost and receive insurance reimbursement on the IOP-like treatment.
    3. Some insurance companies will reimburse.
  6. Sober Living Facilities – Sober Living Facilities provide a structured living environment when patients have either completed their treatment or are still in treatment but require a safe and sober community. Often insurance will NOT reimburse for sober living expenses.

Types of Outpatient Addiction Treatment Centers

  1. MAT or Medically Assisted Treatment – When we discuss MAT it is typically just that; medically assisted treatment using Suboxone/Buprenorphine, Methadone or Vivitrol.
  2. IOP – Intensive Outpatient Program – Intensive outpatient programs are just that; several hours per day receiving treatment and counseling.
  3. OP – Outpatient Program – These programs provide treatment and counseling a few times a week so that the patient is able to continue working full-time while receiving
  4. Telehealth – A big (and growing) sector in the addiction treatment field is telehealth. It is worth noting that insurance DOES reimburse for many telehealth programs.
  5. Detox – Ambulatory Detox or Outpatient Detox.

Catering to Different Rehab Demographics

Some rehabs have narrowed their focus to specific clientele. They have realised that different demographics require specialized services. Examples of these are:

  1. First responders addiction treatment
  2. High end cash pay clients $50K and above, per month, for addiction treatment
  3. Couples therapy
  4. Pet friendly addiction treatment
  5. Religious g.. Christian Addiction Treatment or Orthodox Jewish Addiction Treatment
  6. Adventure Addiction Treatment
  7. Young Adult and Teen Addiction Treatment
  8. Addiction Treatment for Women
  9. Addiction Treatment for Men
  10. Addiction Treatment for LGBTQ
  11. MAT or Suboxone and Methadone Addiction Treatment
  12. 12 Step Addiction Treatment
  13. Holistic Addiction Treatment
  14. Telehealth Addiction Treatment

Depending on the level of services provided, each type of treatment may require different CPT codes to be reimbursed by Insurance.  Public insurance such as Medicaid and Medicare can be different for each state.  The same holds true for private PPO Insurance for insurance companies like Aetna and Cigna.

Marketing to Different Addiction Treatment Clients

Overall, the name of the game is making ‘impressions’.  The best way to build your brand is to provide the highest quality clinical care and gain a great reputation that prospective clients can trust.  You need to get your treatment center’s name where people can see it.  Most centers use several marketing strategies:

  1. Digital Strategy: includes SEO, SEM, PPC, Google My Business
  2. Traditional Media: TV, Radio, Outdoor, Direct Mail
  3. EAP (Employee Assistance Programs): Referrals
  4. Hospitals and Doctors
  5. Speaking Engagements: Government Facilities and Education (i.e. High Schools and Colleges)
  6. Public Relations
  7. Other Treatment Centers & Interventionists Provide Referrals

Getting impressions to addiction treatment centers can be done either directly to the addicts and families, they can be generated through referral sources or, through digital and mainstream advertising.  We have found that direct inquiries, professional referrals and search inquiries tend to result in admissions.  However, a combination of the methods seems to be the most fruitful.  Tracking of your ad sources is critical and using different 800 numbers to track each ad source is the best way to do this.  If you use vanity numbers, it is next to impossible to learn where your calls are coming in from without adding extensions to them.

Jim Peake

Jim Peake – Jim has over 30 years of direct response advertising marketing experience. He was the catalyst for putting the Internet in the front page of every newspaper around the world for the first time with the chess event Grandmaster Garry Kasparov vs. IBM’s Deep Blue super computer in the mid 1990’s. Jim’s main area of focus today is helping drug and alcohol treatment centers market their businesses in a hyper competitive market.

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