Information on Addiction Treatment Marketing
Often times rehab owners are not technical or simply do not have the time to study addiction treatment marketing. Other times rehab owners are very tech savvy or have hired expert staff to help research the best forms of tracking, marketing and reporting. This area is for those individuals.
Question: Why Should My Rehab Do Public Relations and List Building?
Answer: Top 10 Reasons Drug Rehabs Need PR and to List Build
Question: What is Click to Call and Does My Rehab Need It?
Answer: Why Your Website Needs Click to Call
Question: How Do I Track My Rehab Calls and Leads?
Answer: Drug Rehab Lead Tracking
If you are looking for additional information on how your rehab website can become a lead generating source for your addiction treatment center – visit our blog. Or, please call us to discuss your specific needs: 781-405-5815.