Addiction Treatment Marketing and Business Tool Integrations
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Addiction Treatment Marketing Business Tools and Integrations

Tools Rehab Centers Need to Track Marketing ROI

Addiction-Rep provides expert website management services for substance abuse recovery centers across the U.S. and internationally. We set addiction rehab centers up with the online tools they need to do business better, and we provide ongoing maintenance and support to ensure our clients are getting the most out of their website and marketing.

In short, we can handle the granular technical aspects of your website and integrations so that you can concentrate on attending to your clients, employees and business operations.

Digital Tools Play a Role in Drug Rehab Marketing

Addiction-Rep recommends a handful of digital tools to all clients. All recommended tools require a strategy with professional setup and implementation if you want to maximize your investment. Our team has helped addiction treatment centers with their business and tool decision making for well over a decade. Our team can help you develop a strategy using your existing tools, or we can help you set everything up from scratch.

Call Tracking

If you don’t have a call tracking system installed on your website, how do you know what inspired a potential lead to reach out to your recovery center? Instead of having to survey every person who makes a call to your rehab facility, why not install call tracking software?

Addiction-Rep is adamant about helping clients know where their calls are coming from. If your rehab center starts using a HIPAA-compliant call tracking platform, you will get a better understanding of which keywords, website pages and even calls-to-action are generating the most phone calls to your facility. And once you have this understanding, you can develop a strategy that will help you procure a higher volume of calls.

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Must Have a Live Call Center for Admissions

Admissions are all about trust.  They have to trust your website in order to pick up the phone and call you.  At the same time, you must answer the phones in order to get admissions.  Until you have a full-time call center/admissions staff we recommend that you hire an answering service.  You don’t want your heard earned calls going into “ring no answer” or into “vmail.”

Answer the phones please.  Answer them all the time and on the first or second ring!  Use a live answering service if ANY of your calls are going into vmail or ring no answer.  One missed admission can pay for the answering service for 6 months or more.  These missed calls are costing you a lot of money.

Here’s a solution.  Call Davinci and hire them for 3 or 4 months and have them answer the phones for you.  What happens next is your business will close more admissions.

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Live Website Chat

As you can see on our website, we’ve installed a live chat feature…and we’ve done this for several of our clients. You may think this feature would be a nuisance to many visitors, but we’ve been finding that it actually has a high ROI for rehab websites. Many visitors are coming to your site in a moment of need, and they want to talk to you NOW.

There is chat software available that can blend in with your website’s color scheme and maintain HIPAA compliancy. Installing the software is a way to give your website 24/7 coverage, making sure your visitors get quick responses to their concerns and inquiries.

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Marketing Automation & CRM Software

There are multifaceted tools available that help automate, or at least expedite, several marketing processes, such as:

  • Social media posting
  • Email campaigns
  • Blog posting
  • Ad placements
  • Report generation
  • Lead nurturing
  • And much more

Processes that were once manual can now be partially or fully automated, reducing the amount of time your employees need to spend on these pursuits. With our help, you can find software with not only the features above, but one that can act as your CRM (customer resource management) system, as well. This will help you manage your relationships and interactions with current and potential clients/customers.

Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

Although you’re still welcome to keep physical records filed in your treatment center, we recommend keeping digital copies as well. This makes for an easier, centralized storage system, one in which you can search through more quickly than you could through drawers of manila folders.

You’ll want to make sure to find HIPAA-compliant EMR software, though, as you certainly don’t want sensitive client information to fall in front of the wrong pair of eyes. We can help you find a secure EMR system that can house hundreds of thousands of confidential documents.

Heatmap Software

Heatmap software is one of the most valuable tools you can use on your website when it comes to the layout and content of any given page. Using a heatmap is especially helpful on your homepage and dedicated landing pages. It tells you exactly where users are and are not clicking on the page.

Viewing a heatmap of your website helps you make decisions on calls-to-action, links and more. You can then strategically rearrange or rewrite a certain page once you understand what’s getting the clicks and what’s being ignored.

Google Webmaster Tools & Analytics

Certainly you want to know how much traffic your website is drawing. But beyond that, don’t you want to know how many conversions it’s generating? How certain campaigns and landing pages are doing?

The Google Search Console is the answer to all of this. The free software will help you make better business and marketing decisions going forward, although we do recommend soliciting help at the onset in interpreting your data and creating new campaigns.

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Google Business Apps

Addiction-Rep can also get you set up with Google Business Apps to improve the efficiency and security of your business. These apps can get your staff established with email addresses that end in your website’s domain, rather than ones belonging to Gmail, Yahoo, etc.

Additionally, you will also get company-wide cloud storage and a business account for Google Docs, which will help you collaborate and communicate better across departments.

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Get Guidance from the Rehab Consulting Experts

At Addiction Rep, our goal is to set you up for success. It’s possible to set your business up with the tools listed above by yourself, but you will likely need guidance on how to use them correctly and to their fullest capabilities. In some cases, it may be easier to have us run and manage the tool for you.

If you’d like to learn more about any of these marketing tools or you’d like help in installing them and understanding how to use them, we’re here to help. Reach out anytime.

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Addiction Marketing Blogs

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Exit Planning for Addiction Treatment Center Owners

Posted on Mar 25, 2024 by Jim Peake

If your plan is to sell your addiction treatment center, you need to understand exit planning for addiction treatment center owners. This isn’t something you...

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