Google Business Apps for your Addiction Rehab - Addiction-Rep
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Google Business Apps for your Addiction Rehab

Google Business Applications are now being used by millions of businesses, but you should have a professional install this for you since it can quickly become complicated and your e-mail will be affected in making the transition. Are your contacts on your cell phone synched with your desktop? Would you like to have a contact added to your cell, auto-update to the cloud and then log in to your desktop and see the contact there too? This is called a “hot synch”. The reason you should consider using Google is because the price to value ratio is excellent. Google Business Apps offers the ability to collaborate as a business and archive all e-mail. Our services include:

  • Google Apps for Domain account setup, assistance with DNS migration to Google for e-mail
  • User profile creation, setup, and account management

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Addiction Marketing Blogs

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Exit Planning for Addiction Treatment Center Owners

Posted on Mar 25, 2024 by Jim Peake

If your plan is to sell your addiction treatment center, you need to understand exit planning for addiction treatment center owners. This isn’t something you...

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