Lead Tracking for Drug Addiction Treatment Centers
In the addiction treatment industry, the lead generation and admissions target(s) are always moving and changing.
Ideally we have a few lead sources that bring us our admissions on a regular basis. As we all know, some bring in more admissions than others and some bring in higher quality admissions than others. For the purpose of this article we will talk about 5 lead traffic sources. We need to identify how well each traffic source is doing in terms of quality leads and quality admissions. The first thing to do is obtain the right software, Google Analytics is a good place to start but you should also add call tracking software. Once the software is in place we can assign separate key codes to the website traffic and separate 800#’s for each traffic source. Your call center or admissions department should score the quality of each call and they also need to RATE the call. Was it an admission, do they have the ability to pay, do they have PPO insurance, are they ready to begin admission in the next 48 hours, and etc…?
Traffic Sources to Be Tracked
1) Interventionists – Do you have an interventionist who provides you with admissions? If so, how many per month?
2) Search Engine Optimization – How well is your SEO doing?
3) Pay Per Click Advertising – How well is your Google Adwords Campaign performing?
4) Banner Ads – Are you buying ads on a website like SoberRecovery.com? How many clicks did you get? How many admissions?
5) Other Treatment Centers – Often we receive referrals from other centers. Are you tracking them?

While your referral and traffic sources can provide you with their reports, you must be able to create your own to confirm that theirs are accurate. While most businesses are honest, I have also found some honest mistakes that are not in our favor. Sometimes these errors were simple mistakes in setting up tracking systems on the referral source end. Having our own installed tracking software allows us to verify that everything we are being told is accurate.

If you would like help installing or deploying a lead tracking system call Jim Peake at the number below.