SEO and PPC Money Saver Google Analytic Dashboards
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SEO and PPC Money Saver Google Analytic Dashboards

Posted on Mar 1, 2014 by Jim Peake


OK if you are in the drug rehab and addiction treatment marketing business you already know you are spending a ton of money on SEO and PPC marketing.  If you aren’t spending a ton of money on drug rehab PPC and SEO then the guy down the street might be cleaning your clock in SEO and PPC admissions unless you have some great referral partners and we know that they just might come with strings attached.

Get Daily or Weekly Reports in E-Mail from Google Analytics

Get Daily or Weekly Reports in E-Mail from Google Analytics

Here’s a little story I experienced along the way.  I have met some really great people in the drug rehab industry.  However they are really good at addiction treatment and mental health programs but some have a lack of experience in the marketing side of business especially the internet.  My job as a professional drug addiction treatment advertising agency or addiction treatment marketing consultant is to make the phone ring.  I’d like to think I’m pretty good at it.  One of the KPI’s or Key Performance Indicators is how many phone calls did your drug rehab website generate on 100 visits?  2 or 5 or 10?  Whatever this number is, it is your visit to call ratio.  2% 5% or 10%.

My problem as a professional marketer is that when we send in an invoice once a month sometimes clients don’t know what they are getting so I feel it is time to report to them daily and weekly through Google Analytics.  If the visit to call ratio is low we need to fix the website.  If the number of calls coming in are too low we need to increase the advertising budget spend….or change ad sources.

Do You Know Your Visit to Call Ratio?

If you don’t, you need to or you really want to.  It will give you the single most bang for your buck.  If you don’t know which ad source is giving you the most calls you need to. Then you need to know which ad source is giving you the most admissions.   If you say most of my admissions are coming from PPC or SEO, do you know which ad group?  Do you know which social media source?

So here’s a free tip. Get this data sent to you on a daily and weekly basis.   We are tracking this in Google Analytics and other tools.  Below is a basic custom dashboard for a drug rehab center we can send weekly or daily or monthly.  Do you think this might be useful in being able to manage your marketing spend a little bit better especially if we can get you cost per lead and cost per admission?

I welcome your thoughts and ideas.  If you need some help with your website marketing get started by filling out my drug rehab website audit and marketing strategy form.  You might be amazed at what we can find for you.

Jim Peake

Jim is an Internet Oldtimer, literally, and he was making a living online before Yahoo and Google were incorporated and even before Al Gore “invented” the Internet. Jim was the catalyst for putting the internet on the front page of every newspaper around the world in one day when he sold the website design and development to IBM for the Kasparov vs. IBM’s Deep Blue chess tournament in 1996. Jim has been in the direct response and advertising industry (printing) since the early 1980’s. Jim’s primary focus is the healthcare and addiction treatment field where he is a management consultant as well as an analytics and digital marketing consultant. - Learn more about Jim Peake, President

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