Writing Content for Drug Rehab Treatment Centers
In today’s world, everyone who is in business reading this is now in the publishing business. The old adage that if we can’t teach it then we don’t know it has probably never been truer. In this video the question is: “should I focus on clarity or jargon?” (The person asking the question was referring to their writing for SEO purposes). Matt Cutts does an elegant job in terms of answering the question. If it were me I would create 2 different websites for 2 different audiences.
The more we write and the more pages we create the higher the possibility of attracting users to our website. At the same time we have to really create great content. What I mean by this is content that is so great that others want to link to your articles on your drug rehab website. The best content comes from the actual program professionals and the clients who have been through your drug treatment programs. People will link to the content and we all have the ability to like it, share it and Tweet it.