ASAM & AI driven Drug Rehab EMR for Inpatient, IOP, OP, Detox, & MAT
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ASAM & AI driven Drug Rehab EMR for Inpatient, IOP, OP, Detox, & MAT

Posted on Mar 19, 2020 by Jim Peake

In healthcare it’s all about the data.  Quality data can lead to better outcomes.  Quality data can lead to better efficiencies within the business.  A challenge for healthcare companies, especially addiction treatment centers, is that there are so many elements within their business processes.  The problem with most EMR’s (Electronic Medical Records software solutions) is that the business has to conform to the software, the software is not customized around the specific business.

There are many challenges within the addiction treatment industry, one of which is keeping track of records.  For those in the addiction treatment field there are dozens of options offered as an EMR solution yet, despite this, many rehabs are still using paper charts, why is this? Perhaps it is because most EMR’s do not have platforms that are easy to configure, update and secure via multiple layers of access. Most EMR’s are not able to offer fully customizable reporting and the ability to integrate with any other 3rd party applications such as Salesforce CRM, Call Tracking Metrics, billing, pharmacy, VOB and many more.

What if there existed the “perfect EMR solution” for the rehab industry?  If it wasn’t quite perfect, what if you could customize and update it so that it was perfect for your business?  What if this EMR system could work for a 2 person practice or a 25,000 employee nationwide operation with hundreds of facilities?  What if this EMR already sat on a proven multibillion-dollar platform?  What if you decide to sell your facility and the acquiring company is already utilizing this proven platform in a CRM environment, would this not facilitate the due diligence process?

Finally there is a solution that can work for every provider in the addiction treatment field, a new product called Banjo®. Banjo® was built on the Salesforce App Exchange  by Terra Health Solutions, LLC in Sarasota Florida. Banjo® is a next generation EMR platform, fully focused on the addiction treatment field and utilizing Artificial Intelligence to help achieve better outcomes.

Banjo® incorporates the ASAM Six Dimensions.  What are the six dimensions of ASAM?

Based on the six dimensions of The ASAM Criteria, ASAM CONTINUUM® conducts a dimensional analysis to identify the intensity of treatment services that best fit patient needs. The ASAM Criteria structures multidimensional assessment around the six dimensions to provide a common language of holistic, biopsychosocial assessment and treatment across addiction treatment, physical health, and mental health services, which also addresses the spiritual issues relevant in recovery. A brief overview of the six ASAM dimensions is listed below:

Being able to support features like ASAM Six Dimensions or Artificial Intelligence is where Banjo® has the edge over other EMR’s.  One of Banjo®’s biggest advantages is that it easily integrates with many third party applications such as billing, lab, pharmacy and VOB and many more.

That is the advantage of Banjo® being built on the robust platform of Salesforce App Exchange.

Jim Peake

Jim Peake – Jim has over 30 years of direct response advertising marketing experience. He was the catalyst for putting the Internet in the front page of every newspaper around the world for the first time with the chess event Grandmaster Garry Kasparov vs. IBM’s Deep Blue super computer in the mid 1990’s. Jim’s main area of focus today is helping drug and alcohol treatment centers market their businesses in a hyper competitive market.

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