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Niche Marketing for Addiction Treatment Centers

Posted on Apr 11, 2017 by Jim Peake

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Addiction Treatment Centers Must Focus on Client Needs - ImageLet us ask you a few questions… or better yet, ask yourself: “If you have a daughter who needs drug treatment, would you send her to a drug rehab that takes men only? If you have a son who needs treatment, would you send him clear across the country to a place that provides 10 different services and you aren’t 100 percent sure which of the treatment services they need and which of the services they excel at?”

If you look at this business window ad in the picture to the left, which is actually a real live storefront in Florida, which of the services listed do you think they are best at?  Do the services look related?  How would you know? Perhaps they should say “if you can fog a mirror, we can help you?”

Lack of focus can be a drug rehab marketing killer. The key is to hone in on a market niche.

Niche Marketing Is Part Strategy, Part Reality

Unless you are a large enterprise with deep pockets and a long-term strategic growth model in place (which you should have no matter your size), the ability to successfully engage, convert and manage addiction treatment facilities that serve multiple audiences, multiple services, and multiple locations well is visionary yes – realistic, hardly.

The beauty of choosing a niche or two, a segment of the marketplace, and doing everything you can to “own” that space will drive your business faster and more effectively than anything else. Work your niche in the business-to-business space, the business-to-consumer space, online, offline and everywhere in between.

When you work what you know, what you know works for you. In addition, the clients or patients you gain will be more of an exacting match to the services you provide. The level of expectation put upon your business is based on realistic return. In turn, this increases the likelihood that your center will deliver on what is implied or promised to clients, creating a positive experience. Bingo! Can you hear the referral bell ring?

Niche Marketing Trends for 2017

According to many marketing experts, this year’s trends for niche businesses include:

  • Research-based content
  • Marketing automation
  • Video Peer-based interviews
  • Engaging and creative communications

Including these marketing platforms to your business will present your company, leadership, employees, services and programs as a vital resource to the community. You will gain traction socially and increase brand awareness and market reach – the right market reach.

Niche Marketing Examples

Not focusing on a niche in the addiction treatment field or the behavioral health field is often a death knell for many.  Sure, it’s fine to have multiple niches.  However, master the two or three you’re really good at.

For example, if you are great at MAT (medication addiction treatment), do MAT better than everyone else. If you are great at equine therapy, do equine therapy better than everyone else and be sure to market that specialty. If you are great at PHP or IOP, own those services in your geographic radius. If you focus on young adults, then a 68-year-old alcoholic is not going to thrive in any program you have to offer let alone be happy in your addiction treatment center.

Niche Marketing Grows Drug Rehab Centers Faster

Marketing a business in a niche is a lot easier than trying to be all things to all people.  Niche marketing works especially well in internet marketing, more specifically SEO, PPC and social media.  We really do have the ability to narrowcast your target audience.  On top of narrowcasting, you can also get much more bang for your drug rehab advertising dollar with it.

Once you have mastered a couple of niches, it totally makes sense to move into additional niches in the behavioral health space. This is how strategic growth begins and your business succeeds year-to-year.

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Jim Peake

Jim is an Internet Oldtimer, literally, and he was making a living online before Yahoo and Google were incorporated and even before Al Gore “invented” the Internet. Jim was the catalyst for putting the internet on the front page of every newspaper around the world in one day when he sold the website design and development to IBM for the Kasparov vs. IBM’s Deep Blue chess tournament in 1996. Jim has been in the direct response and advertising industry (printing) since the early 1980’s. Jim’s primary focus is the healthcare and addiction treatment field where he is a management consultant as well as an analytics and digital marketing consultant. - Learn more about Jim Peake, President

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