Refining Your Treatment Center Marketing Approach: Quality Matters
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Refining Your Treatment Center Marketing Approach: Quality Matters

Posted on Mar 13, 2019 by Jim Peake

Refining Your Treatment Center Marketing Approach: Quality Matters

Marketing is incredibly difficult for many industry professionals in the modern marketplace. Potential customers and clients have a dizzying amount of choices available for virtually any transaction they may desire or require, and standing out from the competition is vital for any business’s success. Effective treatment center marketing requires a multifaceted approach and taking proper advantage of every available marketing channel, to target the right people that fit your service offerings.

Understanding Your Marketing Potential

Your drug rehab may offer medical care, counseling, and a host of other treatments, amenities, and specialized services. All of these things will not amount to much, however, if potential clients and patients cannot find you, or do not recognize your treatment center’s value due to ineffective marketing. A few common marketing mistakes hold back many treatment centers from attracting the level of business they expect. Oftentimes, only minor adjustments are needed to make a tremendous difference.

There are many possible marketing channels available to any treatment center, and ultimately the marketer’s goal should be to convey value and reliability to potential patients.

The overarching message of a good treatment center is that people struggling with addiction can come through their doors for effective substance abuse treatment and counseling. However, a sensitive issue like addiction, demands that substance abuse treatment center marketers offer something unique or special so that it stands apart from the competition and resonates with potential patients. Conveying this message across multiple marketing channels will give you the best results.

Take Advantage of Social Media

The potential marketing reach afforded by social media is nearly impossible to overstate. The majority of United States adults use at least one social media platform daily, and modern social media entails much more than sharing photos and random thoughts with friends.

Today, most social media users also interact with their favorite brands, conduct searches in new brands, and participate in discussions about current world affairs.

One of the biggest marketing mistakes any treatment center can make is failing to acknowledge the potential value of social media marketing. Leveraged effectively, social media can become one of the strongest arms of any marketing campaign and draw a great deal of positive attention toward a brand.

Choosing Your Social Media Platforms

There are several major social media platforms, and most modern marketers generally look for ways to capitalize on these different platforms based on demographics. For example, Facebook is the largest social media platform with about two billion users across all demographics. Twitter and Instagram generally appeal to younger audiences, while LinkedIn caters to professionals looking to cultivate business connections. Most modern marketing professionals conduct extensive customer research to find out which social media platforms their potential customers visit the most, and develop a strategy accordingly.

When it comes to treatment centers, addiction does not care about social status, personal finances, race, or geographic location. Addiction is a widespread issue in the U.S, touching the lives of people across all demographics. This means your social media approach should include at least two or three social media platforms, so you can capture the attention of potential clients of various walks of life.

Leverage Your Mailing List

Virtually every U.S. adult has at least one email address. Although many emails go unopened and ignored, email marketing remains one of the most effective digital marketing channels available. About 85 percent* of all internet users have at least one email address, and most internet users are willing to submit an email address if it means receiving more effective marketing materials, valuable promotional offers, and content relevant to their needs and interests.

Best Practices in Drug Rehab Email Marketing

Developing an email marketing campaign is simpler than some modern marketers may assume. While it may seem as though developing complex, flashy, and content-rich emails are the key to potential customers noticing your business, this isn’t necessarily true. A few best practices can help refine any email marketing campaign.

  • Segment your email list. You don’t want to send every piece of email marketing to every single recipient on your mailing list; this will inevitably irritate them and propel them toward the “unsubscribe” button. Instead, divide your email list into segments based on interest level. Create emailing lists for warm leads, cool leads, and new recipients. Then, tailor content around your recipients’ interactions with your brand.
  • Less is more. Simplicity and value should be the main goals of any email marketing campaign; develop a clear, strong message and then deliver it effectively. While there is a great deal of potential when it comes to the content you create for your marketing emails, make sure you’re keeping the focus on value and readability.
  • Avoid overreliance on automation. Modern email automation programs make it easy to manage an enormous email list, but use these programs with care. Sending the wrong customer the wrong email at the wrong time can easily turn him or her off from your brand entirely. Automation can certainly make email marketing easier, but use it with caution.

Refine Your SEO Approach

When an individual needs substance abuse treatment, or if the family of a person struggling with addiction realizes the need for treatment, their recovery journeys often begin with internet searches. They typically look for substance abuse treatment centers that can address their unique needs. Capturing search engine traffic is an essential part of modern marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) is a staple of modern digital marketing.

Your SEO approach should aim to draw potential clients to your website after they search for relevant terms in a search engine. Google currently commands the largest share of internet searches and offers a plethora of SEO tools to marketers. Developing strong SEO practices helps ensure your website appears in relevant searches and attracts potential customers.

Ultimately, every substance abuse treatment center needs to develop an individualized strategy for effective, ethical marketing. Addiction is a widespread issue that damages the lives of millions of people every year, and a substance abuse treatment center offering valuable, reliable services needs a strong marketing approach to reach those most in need of help.

Fine Tune Your Treatment Center Brand Cost-Effectively

Jim Peake

Jim is an Internet Oldtimer, literally, and he was making a living online before Yahoo and Google were incorporated and even before Al Gore “invented” the Internet. Jim was the catalyst for putting the internet on the front page of every newspaper around the world in one day when he sold the website design and development to IBM for the Kasparov vs. IBM’s Deep Blue chess tournament in 1996. Jim has been in the direct response and advertising industry (printing) since the early 1980’s. Jim’s primary focus is the healthcare and addiction treatment field where he is a management consultant as well as an analytics and digital marketing consultant. - Learn more about Jim Peake, President

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