SEO Website Architecture for Drug Rehab Sites
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Addiction Treatment Website Architecture Services

Posted on Nov 19, 2018 by Jim Peake

Addiction Treatment Website Architecture Services

Organizing Your Recovery Website the Right Way

It’s one of the less-glamorous aspects of your website, but one of the most important when it comes to search engine rankings and user experience. What we’re talking about is website architecture, which has to do with your site’s navigation, URL structure and page-to-page flow.

Does all that sound too technical and time-intensive? Don’t sweat it. Addiction-Rep can clean up and maintain those elements of your addiction treatment website. The Addiction-Rep team has more than two decades of experience working primarily with drug rehab and mental health care providers to deliver high-quality marketing assets, including websites that rank high on Google, engage visitors and drive admissions.

Creating a New Website with Proper Architecture

If you approach Addiction-Rep about creating your first website for a new addiction rehab center, or if you’d like to scrap the site you already have and start anew, the architecture of your new online space is going to be one of our foremost concerns.

Addiction-Rep works closely with you throughout the website creation process on which pages are must-haves and how your page topics will be organized. Which pages need to be at the top of the navigation? Which sub-pages are needed? Do we need to go a level deeper on some sub-topics?

After getting a grasp of those answers, we’ll then complete the entire navigation of the website in a way that makes sense to visitors as well as to Google and other search engines that “crawl” your site. The easier we can make it on Google’s web crawlers, the better chance your site will have at ranking higher on the most popular search engine, which will make it simpler for prospective clients to find you.

Cleaning Up an Existing Website’s Architecture

If you have an existing addiction treatment website and you come to us for any service, one of the first actions we’re going to take is a website audit. This will let us know about any issues with your site’s structure that are creating an obstacle for Google’s crawlers.

Addiction-Rep’s website audits will bring to light any pages on your website that are improperly architected or not included in the normal navigation in any form. From there, we’ll work on cleaning up your website’s architecture, which could be small tweaks or a major overhaul, depending on what we find in the website audit process.

Addiction Treatment Website URL Structure
The top-level navigation of your website acts as “folders” for any sub-pages within. All sub-pages’ URLs need to have the folder mentioned before the page in question. For example, if you have an “Our Mission” page that is stored under the “About Us” portion of your top-level navigation, the URL needs to look like

If your mission page stems directly off your homepage (e.g., you’re ignoring Google’s best practices. Some websites have each and every page (including sub-pages) branching out from their homepage, and they’re shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to optimum search engine rankings.

Not only is it important to optimize the URL structure of each and every page on your addiction recovery site, but you also have to make sure any links to those pages are updated and don’t get broken in the process. The team at Addiction-Rep has the expertise to carefully optimize the architecture of your website while making sure nothing gets left behind in the process.

Orphaned Pages and 404s within Your Website

Many times when we first audit a client’s existing site, we find external links to pages on the site that no longer exist, and we discover pages that aren’t included in any part of the site’s navigation – which we call orphaned pages. Both situations are a big no-no with Google’s web crawlers.

If your site has orphaned pages, perhaps they are that way because they were created for a past pay-per-click campaign, or maybe they got left behind as you tweaked your own navigation. Whatever the case, the orphaned pages need to get attached to the site’s navigation or go away altogether. If the orphaned page does need to be deleted, we can see if some of the content can be incorporated into another page before taking the page offline and we will make sure any links to it get redirected elsewhere on your site.

Website Architecture Cleanup is a Diligent Process

At Addiction-Rep, we pay extensive attention to detail when it comes to building your website’s architecture from the ground up or reorganizing and cleaning up what you already have in place. A clear and logical architecture provides the foundation for your addiction recovery website for years to come, so that when you want to add new pages of content and expand the site, it will be clear where these items will go within your site’s navigation.

Drug Rehab SEO Services We Offer

Want to Make Sure Your Addiction Treatment Website is organized in a way that helps Your Search Engine Rankings and Conversions?

Try Our Website Audit and Re-Architecting Services:



Jim Peake

Jim is an Internet Oldtimer, literally, and he was making a living online before Yahoo and Google were incorporated and even before Al Gore “invented” the Internet. Jim was the catalyst for putting the internet on the front page of every newspaper around the world in one day when he sold the website design and development to IBM for the Kasparov vs. IBM’s Deep Blue chess tournament in 1996. Jim has been in the direct response and advertising industry (printing) since the early 1980’s. Jim’s primary focus is the healthcare and addiction treatment field where he is a management consultant as well as an analytics and digital marketing consultant. - Learn more about Jim Peake, President

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