Move Away From Expensive Google Adwords Campaigns
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Move Away From Only Doing Expensive Google AdWords Campaigns – Invest In You!

Posted on Jun 13, 2016 by Jim Peake

Move Away From Expensive Google Adwords Only Campaigns

With drug and alcohol addiction escalating at an alarming rate in the United States, addiction treatment centers have become big business. Corporations, national treatment providers and hospital groups are buying up smaller operators, thereby creating large multi-center organizations with major marketing budgets to spend on Google AdWords campaigns. This has led to ongoing increases in PPC costs, making it more difficult than ever to rank for these words and generate measurable results from them.

With The Increase In Google AdWords, What Are The Other Marketing Options?

Google AdWords used to be one of the most important components of many addiction treatment centers’ digital marketing campaigns. For some, it was the only source of online marketing. Yet, as PPC costs have continued to go up, many rehab service providers are now rethinking their strategies and looking for alternatives that can generate site traffic and conversions.  With PPC becoming more difficult, especially for smaller centers, the reality is there are a number of very valuable digital marketing opportunities that can deliver tremendous results when they are successfully implemented.


When someone is struggling with addiction, it’s natural to seek out information on how to address the problem. While we all used to head to the library or the local book store to learn about a particular topic. Today, we go straight to the Internet. Of course, it makes sense that individuals will obtain facts and statistics from online sources like the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Yet, they will often seek out more personal, detailed information from blogs. This is why it’s so important for addiction treatment centers to maintain up-to-date blogs with useful, contextual information. They not only provide the opportunity to share details about programs offered, facilities and staff. They can be where client stories are shared and provide tips and guidance for those who are searching for answers.

That’s not all! Blogs also provide additional pages to your website that include specific keywords that targeted audiences are searching for. In other words, they can help boost search engine rankings significantly.


Video has become an increasingly popular way for addiction treatment centers to generate site traffic. Consider that online video makes up more than 50 percent of all mobile traffic, and video compels site visitors to stay on a site 90% longer. Video is not only engaging, it is memorable and can help improve search engine results. What content to share in a video? The possibilities are endless when it comes to addiction treatment. Everything from a 360-degree tour of a facility to interviews with past clients, staff members and experts can educate site visitors and encourage them to take the next step to call for more information.


Along with providing fresh content, it’s important to ensure existing content is optimized for search engines. This means having the correct meta data and utilizing keywords that will generate the desired results. For example, geo-specific keywords and phrases are far more likely to create targeted, local interest than writing content loaded with generic words. Once you have developed a strong list of keywords, they need to be weaved correctly into content to maximize their ability to improve search engine search results.

A Strategic, Comprehensive Marketing Plan Is Your Best Bet For Success

PPC campaigns were once a fast and convenient way to get noticed online. While they are still valuable in a broader digital marketing plan, they are not the only option. By incorporating a variety of both paid and organic marketing strategies, you can gain the best results for your marketing dollars. Do you need help with your online marketing? Call the experts in professional marketing services for your addiction recovery website.

At Addiction-Rep, we are here to help you increase your addiction treatment census and fill beds. We will create a strategic and comprehensive marketing plan that will work best for your rehab’s individual needs and both short and long-term goals. Call us now!

Rehab Marketing Services

Jim Peake

Jim is an Internet Oldtimer, literally, and he was making a living online before Yahoo and Google were incorporated and even before Al Gore “invented” the Internet. Jim was the catalyst for putting the internet on the front page of every newspaper around the world in one day when he sold the website design and development to IBM for the Kasparov vs. IBM’s Deep Blue chess tournament in 1996. Jim has been in the direct response and advertising industry (printing) since the early 1980’s. Jim’s primary focus is the healthcare and addiction treatment field where he is a management consultant as well as an analytics and digital marketing consultant. - Learn more about Jim Peake, President

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