Hire A Website Company That Knows Addiction Treatment
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Why Your Rehab Should Hire a Website Company That Knows Addiction Treatment

Posted on Jan 13, 2016 by Jim Peake

Hire A Website Company That Knows Addiction Treatment

There are many options when it comes to getting a website developed, marketed and managed. Yet, it’s not always a smart idea to work with an agency or an independent contractor who doesn’t understand the complexities of the addiction treatment industry. Let’s face it! The industry is dramatically different than those that market traditional products and services, and because of this, a website has to be developed accordingly.

Reasons to Hire an Online Marketing Company That Knows Addiction Treatment

The reasons to and benefits of hiring a website company that is well-versed in the rehab space are plentiful and include:

Developing the Right Content

There are very specific reasons why clients and their loved ones seek out drug or alcohol addiction treatment. Because they are facing a significant crisis and are under stress. Messaging, images and other content must be informative, reassuring, and easy-to-understand. This requires deep expertise of the market and the motivators that will encourage site visitors to take the next step in their decision-making process.

Understanding SEO

The Internet is the primary source for individuals searching for drug or alcohol addiction treatment centers. Thus, SEO is incredibly important. An important goal is to rank high for certain keywords so that your site ranks prominently in search results.

Unfortunately, the most common keywords like “addiction treatment”, “drug rehab” or “alcohol treatment” are highly competitive. Solely focusing your content around these keywords isn’t a smart idea because your site will simply get lost in the shuffle with the countless other treatment centers also vying for optimal search engine rankings. Someone knowledgeable with the industry understands this reality and can evaluate more effective keywords that can get your site found by those who are looking for information and resources.

Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Campaigns

Inexperienced marketing professionals will recommend campaigns based upon what they know about other industries. Yet, certain marketing tools, are not always smart choices for treatment centers. However, other options, like video, can be particularly effective because they address the specific needs of potential clients and their loved ones.

The Industry Is Evolving

The addiction treatment industry has evolved dramatically in the last decade because of a variety of factors. From health insurance changes to the rapid growth of digital marketing, there is a lot to keep up with when it comes to effectively marketing an addiction treatment center. This is exactly why it makes strategic sense to work with an industry expert when it comes to creating a website and developing a marketing strategy that will help support your immediate and long-term goals.

Read More In Does Your Marketing Team Understand The World Of Rehabs?

Call the Industry Experts at Addiction-Rep Today at 781-405-5815 to Move Forward With a Plan That Works!

Jim Peake

Jim is an Internet Oldtimer, literally, and he was making a living online before Yahoo and Google were incorporated and even before Al Gore “invented” the Internet. Jim was the catalyst for putting the internet on the front page of every newspaper around the world in one day when he sold the website design and development to IBM for the Kasparov vs. IBM’s Deep Blue chess tournament in 1996. Jim has been in the direct response and advertising industry (printing) since the early 1980’s. Jim’s primary focus is the healthcare and addiction treatment field where he is a management consultant as well as an analytics and digital marketing consultant. - Learn more about Jim Peake, President

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